Here to protect the rural character and environment of the Village and to promote Kewstoke as a pleasant place to live.
North Somerset Over 50's Tech Ready Service
Posted 10th Feb 2025
This free service is aimed at supporting over 50s to increase their confidence with the use of technology. It may be that someone needs some additional assistance with setting up a tablet, applying online for a bus pass, help with sending and receiving email, etc. Recently, Tech Ready has helped people to apply for foreign visas, contact relatives abroad through video calling and to set up troublesome mobile phones! The service has also produced a number of guidance documents to support people with staying safe online. Additionally, with the upcoming digital switchover on the horizon and specifically affecting those in rural communities, someone you know may benefit from further advice.
In order to be eligible for free support, the only stipulations are that individuals live in rural North Somerset and they are aged over 50 years of age. The main difference between this and other similar services is that we are able to offer support at people’s homes.
If you know someone who may appreciate some help with their ‘tech’, then please contact will@wern.org.uk for further information.
Will Marcombe
Digital Inclusion Officer
North Somerset Tech Ready Service
West of England Rural Network
W: wern.org.uk
T: 07787 358982
Flood Warnings
Posted 3rd Feb 2025
You can now check for any current or future flood warnings and sign up for flood warnings to get
updates: www.gov.uk/flood
Flood warnings are issued for main river, sea and groundwater. The Flood Warning Service does not
include surface water flooding.
Click HERE for Kewstoke flood warnings.
Sign up to the MetOffice National Severe Weather Warning Service via web or app to give you
advance notice of heavy rainfall that could lead to surface water flooding.
You can also take these actions by calling Floodline 0345 988 1188
Kewstoke Newsletter 2024
Posted 12th Dec '24
Can you believe another year has flown by? Have a look at the 2024 Kewstoke Village Newsletter for all the fun stuff happening in our community. From events to milestones, see how our village is growing and thriving. Let’s celebrate what makes our village special!
Click HERE for the 2024 Kewstoke Village Newsletter
Anti Social Behaviour and Dangerous Driving
Posted 19th Nov 24
Mike Hardwick the Parish Clerk, myself and our District Councillor Lisa Pilgrim had a long requested meeting in the car park opposite South Sands Hotel on Monday 18/11. This meeting involved the Police, North Somerset Officers representing:
Highways, Anti-social behaviour, & Parking.
This was to try and find a solution to the cars congregating in the car park, making a lot of noise, drug driving and generally hairing around the village at breakneck speed. Surprisingly the police said that they have had no real complaints made by residents to the since late spring. NSC officers were unable to offer solutions saying that there isn't sufficient of a problem here for them to allocate budget as they too had little in the way of complaints by members of the public.
They were unable to offer solutions to our suggestions of CCTV in the car park: No power available (The ticket machine is powered by solar apparently.) WIFI was offered via South Sands but line of sight and distance issues ruled this out. Locking of the gate was not possible as they don't have staff on duty at the times required in the Summer months (When the problem is at its greatest.)
Signage has gone up recently in both car parks saying how to report anti social behaviour. The contact details go directly through to the staff on duty at NSC. They say that the calls and emails are logged. As do the police who say that any calls concerning anti social behavior, cars driving recklessly etc etc are all logged and the data used to determine whether something is a continual issue or a one off. The Parish Council have requested follow up meeting in the spring of next year as the nights start to draw out.
Please, if you witness vehicle anti-social behaviour, dangerous driving around the village or excessive noise in the car parks log a call with both North Somerset Council and the Police using 101. Also log the details of the time and date that you lodged the complaint and send details to parishclerkkewstoke@gmail.com or use the Parish Council Contact page: https://www.kewstokevillage.com/contact
If we as a community are going to resolve this, we are going to have to drive it all the way (No pun intended).
Jim MacDonald
Chairman Kewstoke Parish Council
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Posted 7th Aug 24
Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2024
Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234).
Click HERE to download.
Keep Active in Kewstoke with Age UK Somerset
Posted 20th Sep 23
Keeping active is vital for our health and wellbeing. Local charity, Age UK Somerset, has a mission to provide more older people with the opportunity to exercise, and there are local classes for people over 55 in the Kewstoke area.
Kewstoke Village Hall hosts a Tai Chi QiGong class, every Thursday at 3pm. Instructor Dawn guides the class through 18 easy-to-learn mindful movements. QiGong, pronounced ‘chee gung’, is a form of Tai Chi that is beneficial to both physical and mental wellbeing. The weekly class costs £5 per session.
For more information, or to sign up to any of our classes, call 01823 345624 or email ageingwell@ageuksomerset.org.uk
Defibrillator Unit in the Telephone Box
Posted 22nd Jan 23
You may well have read in the Parish Newsletter, or seen that the Parish Council has installed a Defibrillator Unit in the red Telephone Box at the junction of Kewstoke Road and Crookes Lane, which is now operational.
Please see the link below to a video presentation which provides an overview on how it can be used, as well as how to perform CPR. The machine itself will issue verbal instructions when in use but an overview of this basic first aid advice in the video may help save someone's life.