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Monks Hill Temporary Closure

Posted 9th July 2024

Monks Hill has been temporarily closed to allow Bristol Water to repair a burst main.

Mobile Library - Service Disruption

Posted 2nd July 2024

North Somerset Libraries:

"We regret to inform you that the Mobile Library has been taken off the road permanently due to the discovery of a defect with the chassis, which we cannot repair. 


Our team are working hard to support residents and are delivering a limited reservation collection and home delivery service for customers in the interim, as per our normal off-road procedures. Residents can also use any North Somerset library (and those in neighbouring authorities) with their existing library cards. For those who can’t get to a branch, a range of library services including eBooks and eAudiobooks are also available free online at Customers can also contact our friendly mobile library team on 01275 888 864 or


Please be assured that we remain committed to serving our communities: we have recently secured more than £300k for a new electric library outreach vehicle, funded by DCMS and administered by Arts Council England. By investing in this new vehicle, we hope to reach more groups and communities as well as reducing emissions and fuel costs. Unfortunately, these types of vehicles are bespoke and take time to build and deliver: the tender for supply of the vehicle is due to be published in early July, and we hope that it will be on the road towards the end of next year. 


In the meantime, we’re exploring a range of alternative options that we can deliver in the medium term within our existing resources. Our plans will prioritise our most vulnerable customers, and we’ll also make sure that the council’s statutory service duties are met. A member of the team will be in touch with you soon, to discuss community needs and possible options.  


We will be offering the Summer Reading Challenge at some locations, and there will be more information about this soon. 


If you have any questions, please contact "

Planned Dates for exercise of Public Rights 2023-24

Posted 4th June 24



Please click HERE for more information.

Sand Bay Dunes Fencing Works

Posted 28th May 24

The Environment Agency is carrying out works to repair and reinstate fencing on the sand dunes at Sand Bay. This will ensure that the risk of flooding is reduced to properties and businesses in Sand Bay.


Please click HERE for more information.

Kewstoke Primary School Site Improvements Update

Posted 16th May 24

Thank you for you continued patience and support during the improvement works at Kewstoke
Primary School. Please click HERE for the latest update.

One Way System Removal

Posted 10th May 24

The Parish Council have been informed by NSC that the One Way System currently in place outside Kewstoke Primary School on Kewstoke Road will be completely removed on 31/5/2024.

The scaffolding has already been removed but there are currently 2 x portable toilets that cannot be relocated and that they are also expecting large deliveries in the coming days.

Parking Management Strategy and Action Plan Consultation

Posted 26th Mar 24

This consultation is asking questions to help North Somerset Council develop their Parking Management Strategy. 

This includes proposals to introduce:

● New parking charges at car parks and on-street locations in Portishead, Nailsea and Clevedon.

● A new short-stay parking permit for a low annual fee. 

Your feedback will help North Somerset Council to understand how you park now and what parking charge pricing, location and hours of operation could look like. 

It will also help them set terms of any annual short-stay parking permit. 

Whether you are a resident, a visitor, a business or any other local organisation, your views are vital in helping shape the detail of these proposals.

Have your say on proposed changes to black bin collections in North Somerset

Posted 26th Mar 24

North Somerset Council has now launched its consultation on proposals to switch to three-weekly collections of non-recyclable (black bin) rubbish, in a bid to reduce waste, boost recycling rates and cut costs.

This year the council will need to spend about £5million disposing of black bin rubbish. However, a waste analysis found that almost half (45%) of black bin contents could have been recycled instead, which would have generated an income to help pay for vital local services.


Consultation is open until Tuesday 7 May 2024, and local people are invited to fill in the questionnaire online at For anyone who would prefer a paper questionnaire, these are available at libraries across North Somerset.


Not only will the proposed changes save council tax payers’ money, it will also help protect our environment. The council can only consider feedback received through the questionnaire, so please complete yours and make your voice heard.

Three weekly waste collections: Frequently Asked Questions

Land To The North Of Junction Of Lyefield Road And Lower Norton Lane Kewstoke Ref. No:23/P/1439/OUT

Posted 20th Mar 24

Representatives of Kewstoke Parish Council have met with the NSC Planning Officer dealing with the above planning application. The current situation is that NSC planners have gone back to the applicant with a number of further questions to be answered and are awaiting responses from them. A planning decision is not now expected until later in April.

All deadlines in making further comments on the NSC website have been lifted.

Land To The North Of Junction Of Lyefield Road And Lower Norton Lane Kewstoke Ref. No:23/P/1439/OUT

Posted 5th Mar 24

In response to the above application for outline planning of 75 houses, attached below are a summary of questions raised at the public meeting, the response from the Planning Officer, and also an internal memo from the Highways Department.

1) Summary of questions raised at the public meeting.

2) Planning Officer response.

3) Highways Department internal memo.

Speed Watch Kewstoke Road & Beach Road

Posted 6th Feb 24

You may be aware of Kewstoke Parish Council’s new initiative with the Community Speed watch Scheme. After many months we are now about to get this up and running with our first group of volunteers getting ready to be trained.

To make this work a minimum core of volunteers are required. We do have this number, but in order to allow for holidays, sickness etc, we really could do with some additional volunteers to spread the workload.

Would you be able to give some of your time as a Speedwatch Volunteer? If by your efforts we are able to reduce the speed of motorists using Kewstoke Road & Beach Road and perhaps save someone from injury or worse, it would be time very well spent.

If you would like to volunteer your services or just find out more about what we are trying to achieve, please contact Mike Hardwick the Parish Clerk on 07836 386244 or e-mail

Parish Councillor Vacancies

Posted 26th Jan 24

Kewstoke Parish Council

Notice of Councillor Vacancies

There is an opportunity to fill two vacancies on the Parish Council by co-option. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and can fulfill the eligibility criteria then please contact the clerk via email or tel 07836 386244

The closing date for submissions is , 10/02/2024 9am.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

1. Be over 18 years of age

2. Be a British citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland.

3. Be on the parish electoral roll on the day of co-option and thereafter, or

4. Have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the parish during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day of co-option, or

5. Have had your principal or only place of work in the area during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day of co-option, or

6. Have resided in the parish, or within 5 miles of it, for the whole of the 12 months prior to co-option

7. Have not held any paid office or employment under this authority

8. You have not been subject of a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order or interim order or a Debt Relief restrictions order or an Interim Debt relief order.

9. Have not been a person who, within five years before the day of co-option, has been convicted of any offence and has had passed on him/her a sentence of imprisonment for a period of not less than 3 months (whether suspended or not) without option of a fine.


For information: There are 12 Parish Council meetings each year, held on the first Monday of each month at 7pm.

Councillors have to abide by a code of conduct and complete and sign certain documentation which becomes a public record.

It is expected that all councillors attempt to attend all meetings wherever possible. Members of the public can attend the meetings to contribute.

Training for Councillors will be provided.

All members are encouraged to take on an area of responsibility to help share the workload and to ensure that the Council maximises its efficiency.

Please contact the Clerk for more information

Land To The North Of Junction Of Lyefield Road And Lower Norton Lane Kewstoke Ref. No:23/P/1439/OUT

Posted 18th Jan 24

North Somerset Council have received the above application for outline planning of 75 houses. Kewstoke Parish Council have recommended refusal of this application and its comments along with others from residents can be seen here:

A public meeting is to be held at Kewstoke Village Hall on Wednesday 24th January 2024 at 7.00pm where the application will be examined and residents and concerned parties can address questions about this to our two district Councillors Lisa Pilgrim & Martin Williams, as well as members of Kewstoke Parish Council.

Questions that are unable to be answered on the evening, will be taken to North Somerset Planning officers dealing with the application, by our district councillors and Parish Council planning committee at a further meeting and their responses fed back to residents.

Campaign launched to raise flood awareness in Weston super Mare.

Posted 15th Jan 24

The Environment Agency has launched a campaign in Weston-super-Mare to raise awareness of flooding and inform residents of simple steps they can take to prepare.
The Environment Agency will deliver localised communications and a series of free informational drop-in events to help residents in Weston understand how to prepare for flooding and where to access support if they need it.

Click HERE for further information.

Road Closure: Lower Norton Lane

Posted 12th Jan 24

Despite the best efforts by Kewstoke Parish Council to get North Somerset Council to postpone the proposed resurfacing of Lower Norton Lane until the one way system has been removed, it is going ahead next week Monday 15th until Thursday 18th. They say that to cancel the work would incur financial penalties from the contractors and that the work has to be carried out in this financial year in preparation for top dressing later in the year.

The work and its disruption has now been cut back to four days instead of five and the closure will be daily from 9.30am until 3.30pm. This at least will avoid the majority of people leaving to and returning from work having to use the diversion that will take vehicles into the village via the toll road. Here is a link to the diversion map and yes we have informed NSC that the arrow showing one way on Kewstoke Road is facing the wrong direction.

Comments can be directed at the North Somerset Travel and Roads facebook page where the announcement will be made tomorrow:

Parish Council comments in respect of planning Application 23/P/1439/OUT

Posted 11th Jan 24

For Information:- This is the Parish Council comments in respect of planning Application 23/P/1439/OUT Land To The North Of Junction Of Lyefield Road And Lower Norton Lane Kewstoke


Outline application for the erection of up to 75 dwellings and associated works, with access for approval; all other matters of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval

The Parish Council objects to this application as it believes the development would fail to meet or agree with, in particular 7 criteria, set out in Policy CS28 of the adopted North Somerset Core Strategy which we believe is the most relevant policy appropriate to regard in arriving at a decision for this particular development.

These are:-

New development proposals at Weston -Super-Mare with or adjoining the settlement boundary should take into account the following objectives;-

1. Support the focus of the town centre as the location for higher order facilities and services, including retail, tourism and leisure opportunities;


2. Support existing community hubs of local retailing and other services located within the town;


3. Respect the characteristic heritage of Weston-Super-Mare;


4. Provide high quality design;


5. Support the enhancement of its green infrastructure and biodiversity, including the ridges and hinterland to the north and south, the woodland areas, the rhynes network, and the seafront;


6. Improve accessibility within Weston-Super-Mare by walking, cycling and public transport, particularly where they enhance connectivity with, for example, local facilities, service centers’, the town centre and seafront and do not lead to significant adverse impacts on the transport network; and


7. Ensure that services and infrastructure are adequate to support the development,


Acknowledging that the core strategy is currently deemed to be out of date, the proposals are also contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) NPPF paragraph 11d) ii requires decision makers to consider the harm a development would cause and the benefits it may bring.


NPPF paragraph 11d ii states any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole.
In this case the adverse impacts of this proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits


The Parish council would also refer to section 4.19 of the core strategy which highlights a jobs to home ratio which is believed would not be met by this development.

It is also relevant to note that all the issues concerning these requirements, is the cumulative effect of an additional 75 houses in very close proximity to a recently approved outline planning application, "land off Anson Road ''.

All the issues highlighted here and made by residents would be exacerbated by further additional houses. Please note the Parish Council is seeking additional advice regarding this planning application and would seek to have an opportunity to comment further at a later date, when this advice is forthcoming.

Planning Application for up to 75 houses

Posted 20th Dec 23

23/P/1439/OUT | Outline application for the erection of up to 75 dwellings and associated works, with access for approval; all other matters of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval | Land To The North Of Junction Of Lyefield Road And Lower Norton Lane Kewstoke


An outline planning application has been received by Kewstoke Parish Council for up to 75 houses off Lyefield Rd & Lower Norton Lane. The Parish Council will be making their recommendations to North Somerset Council at the Planning Committee Meeting following the Parish Council Meeting on 8th January. The deadline for commenting is shown as 11/1/24 but a target decision date is not expected until March.


Residents are able to make their own comments by going onto the NSC web site following this link:

Kewstoke Parish Newsletter 2023

Posted 18th Dec 23

The 2023 Kewstoke Parish Newsletter is now available to download HERE.

Inside this issue:

  • Message from the Chairman,

  • Vacancies,

  • Worlebury Tots,

  • St Paul’s Church,

  • Repair Café,

  • Coronation Weekend,

  • Scarecrow Trail,

  • Community Asset,

  • The Grumpy Farmer,

  • Recipes,

  • and Community Speed Watch.

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Posted 27th Sep 23

Annual Governance & Accountabitity Return for the year ended 31 March 2023. See NOTICE.

The audit of accounts for KEWSTOKE PARISH COUNCIL for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been completed and the accounts have been pubtished HERE.

Keep Active in Kewstoke with Age UK Somerset

Posted 20th Sep 23

Keeping active is vital for our health and wellbeing. Local charity, Age UK Somerset, has a mission to provide more older people with the opportunity to exercise, and there are local classes for people over 55 in the Kewstoke area.

Kewstoke Village Hall hosts a Tai Chi QiGong class, every Thursday at 3pm. Instructor Dawn guides the class through 18 easy-to-learn mindful movements. QiGong, pronounced ‘chee gung’, is a form of Tai Chi that is beneficial to both physical and mental wellbeing. The weekly class costs £5 per session.

For more information, or to sign up to any of our classes, call 01823 345624 or email

Defibrillator Unit in the Telephone Box

Posted 22nd Jan 23

You may well have read in the Parish Newsletter, or seen that the Parish Council has installed a Defibrillator Unit in the red Telephone Box at the junction of Kewstoke Road and Crookes Lane, which is now operational.
Please see the link below to a video presentation which provides an overview on how it can be used, as well as how to perform CPR. The machine itself will issue verbal instructions when in use but an overview of this basic first aid advice in the video may help save someone's life.    

Crookes Lane, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9XJ

© 2023Kewstoke Parish Council, North Somerset

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