Here to protect the rural character and environment of the Village and to promote Kewstoke as a pleasant place to live.

Beverly and Lesley
Role: Kewstoke Village Orderlies
Hi I’m Beverley,
Some of you may have seen me around the village. I’ve been the village Orderly for about 9 years now and I work with Lesley who’s a volunteer. We can be easily identified by our Parish Council Hi Viz jackets.
Lesley is a keen walker as am I. We love the village and do our best to keep it clean and tidy.
Our role is to remove litter from the roads and pavements and other areas around Kewstoke Village. We follow a twice weekly schedule and cover the following areas of the Village, (Weather Permitting)
Tuesday: Village Green,Play Area, Lower Norton Lane, Crooks Lane, Kewside, Kewstoke Road, Commodore Car Park, Sand Road Car Park, Sand Road, Lower Norton Lane, Norton Lane and Kewstoke Road.
Friday Village Green, Play Area, Crooks Lane, Commodore Car Park, Seafront to the Point, Little Car Park on Seafront and Car Park Sand Road.
We also cover Cullen Lane, Monks Hill, Myrtle Lane and Elmsley Lane on an ad-hoc basis.

Role: Kewstoke Maintenance Operative
Hi I’m Ron,
I have been working for the Parish Council for about 6 years now. You may have seen me and my pet Jack Russell 'Tiny Tim' who accompanies me to work.
I enjoy walking my dog around Kewstoke, especially on the dunes and beach.
I am a big fan of Bristol Rovers and follow them at every opportunity.
My Role is to maintain the Toilet Block at the Bus Terminus Car Park which includes twice daily visits in the Summer months and once a day in the Winter, as well as undertaking most odd jobs around the Village.