Here to protect the rural character and environment of the Village and to promote Kewstoke as a pleasant place to live.

PCSO Aisha Mitchell
Police Community Support Officer
email: aisha.mitchell@avonandsomerset.police.uk
tel: 101 or 07889 660050
address: Weston-super-Mare Police Station, Filers Way, WSM, BS24 7JP
facebook: PCSO Aisha Mitchell
PCSO Sophie Henley
Police Community Support Officer
email: sophie.henley@avonandsomerset.police.uk
address: Weston-super-Mare Police Station, Filers Way, WSM, BS24 7JP
PCSO Dave Bennett
Police Community Support Officer
email: david.bennett@avonandsomerset.police.uk
address: Weston-super-Mare Police Station, Filers Way, WSM, BS24 7JP
Contact Avon and Somerset Web Site: http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/

Crime Statistics.
The Parish Council is currently in discussions with Avon & Somerset Police, North Somerset District Councillors and the Police Commissioner for Avon & Somerset, in an effort to produce meaningful crime reporting statistics for Kewstoke. In the meantime the following Web address can be accessed to provide crime statistics for Worle and North Somerset: http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/
Kewstoke Beat Reports.