Here to protect the rural character and environment of the Village and to promote Kewstoke as a pleasant place to live.

KEWSTOKE VILLAGE HALL is situated in Crookes Lane, Kewstoke,
North Somerset. BS22 9XJ.
The Village Hall was built in 1987 as a result of local fund raising assisted by a grant of £54,000 from Woodspring District Council. The Hall was opened for bookings in November 1987. The facilities provided were a Main Hall, kitchen, toilets together with changing rooms and showers to support the use of the playing field. A stage was added in 1988.
In 1990 further self-help development work took place to provide a second Hall on the first floor together with a Committee room. The Management Committee strives to continuously update and improve the facilities for the benefit of all the users. Regular social events, Bingo and Sunday Dance Club provide the income to make these improvements possible.
The Hall is available for occasional bookings/events: e.g. Dances, weddings, parties, public meetings, jumble sales, fetes and shows, school exchange visits and concerts.
- Main Hall - capacity 200
- Meeting Room - capacity 60-80
- Additional Room 1 - capacity 20
- Car parking - capacity 60
- Disabled parking - capacity 2
Other facilities: stage, stage lighting/curtains, community notice board, kitchen equipment, male and female showers and changing facilities, playing field, public entertainment licence
If you wish to book the hall for events, please use our online booking system: https://kewstoke.lemonbooking.com
If you have a query or wish to discuss a booking first please contact Tony Barron (Booking Officer):
Tel: 07756575171.
Email: kewstokevillagehall@outlook.com